Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

Directed by: Jon Watts
Starring: Tom Holland, Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch
Running Time: 148'
Verdict: ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗
Marvel and Sony put on their best lipstick and most glamorous dresses, veiling a lack of underwear, ready to provide the best fan service money could buy. Really, as a film, Spider-Man: No Way Home is probably the best Spider-Man movie. Not because of a good Peter Parker story, but because of the way it treats former movies and how it handles an amazing gallery of Spider-Man villains. It is spectacular, funny and full of surprises. It is also visually great, a lot of it coming from Doctor Strange's meddling with dimensions and the multiverse, but also from a colorful palette of the villains and general mayhem they bring with themselves. To provide all this goodness, movie sacrifices some explanations of how some things happen or work, but it's really hard to mind as it doesn't give you much time to think. It tries to further develop Spider-Man's relationships with his girlfriend MJ and best friend Ned, but they kinda fall to the background because of just a preposterous number of other individual story lines and distractions that happen in the scenes. Spider-Man: No Way Home satisfyingly concludes a lot more than this trilogy, but I still feel it is just a villain away from being the perfect Spider-Man movie.


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